Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center Exhibition
226 N. High Street
West Chester, PA 19380
Theme: Downtown West Chester and Surrounding Area
October 12, 2022 to January 20, 2023
Award Winners at Uptown! Knauer Exhibition
Congratulations to all the artists!
Click on images to enlarge.

First Place - Sara McKelvey
"Pete's Farm, Rt 926"
Juror's comments:
Perspective along with the Juxtaposed placement of the Truck and House draw the viewer through the Field from the foreground of the Fence Row.

Second Place - Mary Lou Doyle
"Your Table is Waiting"
Juror's comments:
The balance of four and two create a subtle geometry to the composition. The hint of sky in the upper corner brings depth to the painting.

Third Place - Jeanne Marston
"Short Cut - Court House Alley"
Juror's comments:
The textural quality captures the architectural feel of the structure. Person and pet with a touch of red provide a focal point for the viewer to gaze further down the street.

Honorable Mention -
Anglea Scully
"The Growers Market"
Juror's comments:
Freedom of the brushstrokes create an impressionistic feel for the flowers and figures. The umbrellas bring light to the canopy above.